Tuesday 27 January 2015

Assoundé Yoga Retreat

Plagued by the knowledge that I never went to Tabarka in Tunisia, or Sipi Falls in Uganda, I am determined to embrace every single adventure that presents itself in the Ivory Coast. An opportunity arose, just two weeks into 2015 with a yoga retreat being held at the beach resort of Assoundé in South East Côte d'Ivoire.

Assoundé is about 90 minutes by road from Abidjan, and the village is much smaller and humbler than it's touristy neighbour Assine-Mafia. To reach the place in which we stayed, you had to drive off-road through coconut groves for about 5km, then abandon your vehicle completely and take a canoe the last part of the journey.

The yoga class was taught by a fellow ex-patriate, and although it was my first time practicing with her, I instantly felt calm and relaxed and enjoyed her teaching and her passion for life in the Ivory Coast. I still haven't managed to do a handstand, but I feel like if anyone can help me achieve this dream, it will be this lady!

The weekend was well structured with several classes per day, but I never felt like it was too much and really just enjoyed the whole experience, even down to the fully vegetarian menu, which was specially designed for the retreat.

The beauty and simplicity of the place reminded me of Kalangala in Uganda. Small farms and homesteads, alongside miles and miles of stunning beaches.

I cannot wait to return.


And just like that... another year whizzed by...

It has been a whole year since I wrote here. A whole year just flashed by. I would like to say that I don't know where the time went but honestly, it was probably one of the busiest and most productive years of my life and so my only sadness is that I missed the opportunity to blog it all here.

I took a great many trips around Tunisia, visiting Djerba, Douz, Madhia and Monastir again. I took work trips is Istanbul, Dakar and Washington D.C. and I took holidays in Ibiza and in my lovely UK. I attended three weddings, at two of which I was a bridesmaid and three hen parties. I fasted just one day of Ramadan but ate about 10 iftars. I was awarded one Post-Graduate Certificate... with a distinction, and I passed one international French exam. I knitted six hats, three cardigans, two mittens and one incredible Mickey Mouse jumper. I ran three half marathons, and one 5km fun run, and I had one horrible cold which lasted for 8 weeks.

And I have moved again. I now live in the Abidjan, Ivory Coast. The Ivory Coast is the world's most secular country, according to a recent survey and it's the biggest exported of cocoa in the world. But more about that later...

So I'm going to be thirty in 2 months. I would not say that I have failed on my task list of 30 before 30 items, but I have maybe underachieved a bit. But in truth I am still proud of the things that I have done in it and I'll write about them in due course.

But for now, I'm here, and I'm planning to write some things. You fancy a story?