Tuesday 27 January 2015

And just like that... another year whizzed by...

It has been a whole year since I wrote here. A whole year just flashed by. I would like to say that I don't know where the time went but honestly, it was probably one of the busiest and most productive years of my life and so my only sadness is that I missed the opportunity to blog it all here.

I took a great many trips around Tunisia, visiting Djerba, Douz, Madhia and Monastir again. I took work trips is Istanbul, Dakar and Washington D.C. and I took holidays in Ibiza and in my lovely UK. I attended three weddings, at two of which I was a bridesmaid and three hen parties. I fasted just one day of Ramadan but ate about 10 iftars. I was awarded one Post-Graduate Certificate... with a distinction, and I passed one international French exam. I knitted six hats, three cardigans, two mittens and one incredible Mickey Mouse jumper. I ran three half marathons, and one 5km fun run, and I had one horrible cold which lasted for 8 weeks.

And I have moved again. I now live in the Abidjan, Ivory Coast. The Ivory Coast is the world's most secular country, according to a recent survey and it's the biggest exported of cocoa in the world. But more about that later...

So I'm going to be thirty in 2 months. I would not say that I have failed on my task list of 30 before 30 items, but I have maybe underachieved a bit. But in truth I am still proud of the things that I have done in it and I'll write about them in due course.

But for now, I'm here, and I'm planning to write some things. You fancy a story?

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